The blog of a 53 year-old gay man living in Melbourne, Australia; a writer, broadcaster, critic, arts advocate and Doctor Who fan.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
David Tennant announces he's leaving DOCTOR WHO
Sad news, but not entirely unexpected: after three years in the TARDIS, David Tennant will step down at the end of 2009. Still, at least we have the Christmas Special this year, and four more specials next year before he goes...
And over here you can see the follow-up interview in which Tennant reflects on his involvement with the show, and talks about what's still to come.
So, who would you like to see as the next Doctor? Any takers for Russell Tovey...?
Nooooooooo! I only just fell in love, I'm not ready for it to end... say it ain't so, Mr Watts.
p.s. Torchwood consumes my every waking moment. Thank you!
Well, we still have five hour-long specials before he goes, but then yes, sadly it's bye-bye Mr Tennant, and hello...?
Glad your enjoying Torchwood too - season two is way stronger and more consistent than season one. Have you watched it all the way through yet?
Richard, you are becoming my primary resource for WHO-News....thanks again!!!
That RSC Tennant Hamlet has so got to tour to Australia!
I have heard rumors about Ross Noble being the new DW!
I'm hoping Russell Tovey is kept quite busy enough being regularly naked in Being Human, thanks very much!
That is a sentiment I share whole-heartedly, Caoin!!
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